We would love to learn from you!

Hope*writers is a community of working writers dedicated to the success and creativity of each member. We have over 3,000 members who represent every stage of the writing journey. Each week we host what we call our Tuesday Teaching: an interview with an expert in the industry who we believe has a lot to offer our members.

Here are a few of the over one hundred teachers who have joined us in the past. We would love to add your name to the list.

Writers & Authors

Beth Moore

Annie F. Downs

Marion Roach Smith

John Eldredge

Osheta Moore

Jeff Goins

Morgan Harper Nichols

Editors & Agents

Jenni Burke

Cindy Bunch

Jevon Bolden

Alex Field

Andrea Doering

Rachelle Gardner

Lisa Jackson

Podcasters & Marketers

Stu McLaren

Ian Morgan Cron

Jamie Ivey

Ashlyn Carter

Ruth Chou Simons

Tyler McCall

Kate Ahl

We are grateful for your work and willingness to spend an hour with our writers! Please contact us with your questions.

Inquire about Tuesday Teaching

The hope*writer path: guidance for every stage of the writing life.

Our members represent every stage of the writing life, from beginning writer to multi-published author.

We believe that as our guest, you'll offer valuable insight and direction to help writers move to the next stage of their writing and publishing path.

Meet Your hope*writers Host Team


Marly Grace Rogers joined hope*writers in 2022 and loves using her role as a Host Team member to encourage writers of all stages to pursue their passion in a practical way. In her own creative work, Marly Grace writes and produces content for young women who want to live an intentional life with Jesus. She dives into the practical and educational aspects of spiritual formation and teaches writers and creatives the value of infusing the everyday aspects of life with faith.


Merideth Hite Estevez became a hope*writers member in 2020 and joined the Host Team in 2022. She loves working among the other hosts as they ask the burning questions we all have for our Tuesday Teachers. In her own writing work, Merideth explores how creativity is inherently a spiritual practice, specifically how to reignite joy in the creative life. Her award-winning podcast, Artists for Joy, shares the stories of artists coming back from burnout, block, and other creative conundrums.


Monet Carpenter joined the hope*writers community in 2020 and the Host Team in 2022. You'll find her hosting Tuesday Teachings, creating educational videos to spur you onward in your writing journey, and writing alongside you as we figure out what it means to balance the art of writing with the business of publishing. In her own writing projects, Monet uses her care-giving voice to meet women in brokenness, helping them live purposed in their work, worship, and seasons of waiting.


Niki Hardy joined the hope*writers team in 2021. As part of the hope*writers host team, Niki interviews industry experts during our weekly Tuesday Teachings and hosts live events and trainings for the community. After over five years as a member of hope*writers, Niki understands that a supportive and encouraging community is essential for making progress on the writing journey. That’s why she loves to support, encourage, and cheer on everyone in the hope*writers community as they make progress on their writing goals. Outside of hope*writers, Niki loves helping her readers discover that life doesn’t have to be pain-free to be full and showing them how to live it.


Rachel G. Scott is a long-time member of hope*writers who joined the Host Team in 2022. She loves how hope*writers intentionally uses its space in the virtual world every Tuesday to bring writers together and equip them to build a writing career. Rachel writes faith-inspired content for her blog and devotionals and has self-published several family-based books. She’s currently weeks away from signing her first traditional publishing contract.

All the details.

How does Tuesday Teaching work?

We stream via live video to our members every Tuesday. We ask our teachers to connect a few minutes early to test audio and video. As soon as you schedule the date and time of your teaching, you will receive an automatic email to confirm. You will need headphones, a strong WiFi connection, a computer with a camera, and good lighting so we can see your face.

Click here to view an example from a past Tuesday Teacher.


Do I need to prepare?

If we're inviting you to be a Tuesday Teacher, it means you are already prepared. We'll ask you to share a bit about yourself, your work, and your unique perspective on writing, publishing, and/or the writing life (depending on your line of work).

Our video calls are conversational, and the host will lead the way by asking questions and moving the conversation along. Tuesday Teaching is a valuable part of hope*writers, and our members love it. 

Who will see the conversation?

Our videos will be streamed live for our nearly 4,000 members and will also be recorded and filed in our member resource library. These writers are highly motivated to learn from you!

Because our Tuesday Teachers always have rich insight to share, we often repurpose a portion of our interview to use in the form of quotes and/or takeaways on our social media accounts, on our public podcast, and/or summarized on our public-facing blog. We will always link back to you and provide appropriate attribution. If you have a book, offering, or program you believe would be a good fit for our writers, we would love to hear about that at the end of our conversation.


What are the perks of being a Tuesday Teacher?

All invited Tuesday Teachers are given a free hope*writers membership. This includes access to our member library, which is full of articles, teachings, and resources to help you make progress on your own writing path. Membership also includes entrance into our private Facebook group and exclusive member directory, where you can connect with other writers from around the world.

We have interviewed over one hundred authors, agents, and editors in the industry, and most see it as a publicity opportunity. We always ask our Tuesday Teachers to talk about their current and upcoming projects, and our writers are very responsive.


Tell me more about hope*writers members.

Hope*writers is for any writer who wants to offer hope to the world. While many of our members find their hope in their faith (and for many that's Christianity, as hope is a pervading message of that faith), any writer with a message of hope is welcome and will be embraced and helped. It will not be assumed that they hold certain beliefs. 

We have members from all walks of the writing life. They write on a wide array of subjects on multiple platforms (nonfiction, fiction, blog posts, podcasts, curriculum, courses, etc.).


What kind of help do you offer writers?
  • A clear plan — We've discovered writers quit when they skip early, foundational stages of writing and publishing, then burn out before they even get started. We offer training for all stages of the writing life, from craft to developing a writing habit, serving a reader, crafting a book proposal, networking, list-building, marketing, and more.
  • Support — Our community is one of the kindest places for writers on the internet. Many of our writers meet in virtual small groups called hope*circles to help each other make progress.
  • Entrepreneurial mindset — Members learn how to make money as a writer.
  • Wholehearted creativity — Our writers want to write meaningful words without sacrificing their meaningful life. 


We can't wait to hear from you!

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