42. Podcast Advice with Kendra Adachi
Whether you’re an experienced podcaster, or just starting out, or just thinking about it - this episode’s for you.
We’re going to talk about the most basic, most important part - the words, the content. Of course! We're writers, right?
And you’ll hear a content tip in the first 8 seconds of this episode : )
This episode gives you some basic but important advice, and probably a few things you hadn’t considered. How do you trust yourself? How do you know what kind of podcast to do? How do you know what to talk about and how to talk about it? That’s coming up.
Even though we’re writers - and love words - sometimes writers love saying the words. So lots of writers also podcast. Kendra Adachi is one of those writers. She writes “The Lazy Genius Collective” blog, which will turn into a book sometime in 2020. And she hosts “The Lazy Genius Podcast.”
You’ll love Kendra!
And, to find out which stage of the writer’s journey YOU’RE on, take the quick free quiz at https://www.hopewriters.com/quiz