43. Do you need an agent? With Rachelle Gardner
To get published by a publisher, it takes a team. One of those team members we need is a literary agent.
Well, do you have to have an agent? What difference do they make? How do you know if you need one?
Even if you’re a published author - even if you’ve had an agent - you’re going to love this conversation with top agent Rachelle Gardner.
It’s so good - we had to split it into two episodes : ) This episode is “Do you need an agent?” and the next one is “How to find an agent.”
Something helpful for knowing when you need an agent is to know where you are on the writing path - there can be an order for doing things when you want to be published. To find out which stage of the writer’s journey YOU’RE on, take the quick free quiz at https://www.hopewriters.com/quiz