An engaged email list is the first thing publishers look for when considering your book proposal.
But I'm a writer. I don't want to grow an email list.
We get it. You're a writer and growing an email list feels non-writerly. But the truth is, nurturing the people on your email list is a great way to focus your writing.
You may be the most excellent, heart-felt, brilliant writer in the world. But if no one knows your words exist, then your words won't have an impact.
If all you do is write blog posts and you don’t take time to have personal conversations with your readers, you’re talking at them.
The people on your list are the people who have raised their virtual hands to hear from you. You can ask them questions and get their input.
That’s why email is such a great opportunity. It’s the best way to build relationships with your readers.
By getting to know your readers, you discover how you can better serve them.
Do I really need to focus on numbers?
As an aspiring author, you want to focus on getting published and serving your reader, not writing emails.
After all, you don’t walk into a bookstore and see someone’s email list. You see their published book.
But in a competitive industry, those with an engaged email list are more likely to get a book contract because publishers know that writers who already have loyal readers will sell more books.
But I have an amazing book idea!
Great! That’s a good first step. And of course your message is one that only you can share.
But until your idea has been tested with an audience, a publisher will be hesitant to take a chance on it.
This isn’t because publishers are mean. It’s because . . .
The fact that publishing is a business is often overlooked. It doesn’t feel glamorous to think about our books as either profitable or not profitable.
The truth is, publishers need to know the books they acquire will be profitable. That’s one reason they’re selective about what they publish.
Sometimes they take a risk on an unknown author who believes passionately in her book idea, but if she hasn’t already developed an audience, her book is unlikely to make money.
Before you can get an agent or a book contract, you need to show that you know how to attract readers, market your writing, and have an audience who will want to buy it.
The aspiring author who has taken the time and effort to build an audience will be much more attractive to a publisher.
Most well-known authors have been working on their email lists for years because they understand the value of an audience who is excited to buy their books.
Well I have no idea what to do next.
Now we’re getting to the heart of the matter.
The biggest reason writers don’t want to grow their email list is they don’t know how to make it happen.
We totally understand this. An email list involves strategy, technology, content, and consistency. No wonder writers feel overwhelmed.
We can assure you: You’re not alone.
Here’s the real problem . . . Everyone tells you to start an email list, but no one shows you how.
Not on our watch! That confusion ends today with the Email Growth Course.
We'll walk you through exactly what you need to do to build your email list, starting from zero.
No fluff, no spammy tactics. Just simple, proven strategies that will help you:
- Attract your ideal readers.
- Convert readers to subscribers.
- Nurture your subscribers.
- Offer them a next step.
Unsure what to write?
While we can’t tell you exactly what you should write in every email, we provide some scripts that you can use to help you get the conversation started.
As you begin to interact with your readers, you’ll become more confident and you’ll have a better understanding of what they want and need.
Your email list is about relationships, and your subscribers want to get to know you and what you have to offer them.
What’s included in The Email Growth Course?
The content in this course is lean and actionable because we wanted you to be able to watch it and implement the principles immediately. It contains six video modules:
1: Attract — Learn how to get people to your website.
2: Convert — Learn how to get visitors to subscribe to your email list.
3: Nurture — Learn how to nurture your email subscribers.
4: Offer — Learn how to offer your book, course, or other products for sale.
5: Tech Set Up — A step-by-step walkthrough about how to set up the tech for your email list.
6: Frequently Asked Questions — Find answers to questions about growth strategies that other writers have asked.
You'll also receive 6 downloadable checklists and templates to help you take action today.

What about the tech?
Technology can be the barrier to progress for so many aspiring authors.
We understand that the tech can feel overwhelming. That’s why we included a tech tutorial to help you set up your list in several different email programs.
If you already have a program, we’ll make sure you’re engaging in best practices for growing your list.
How much time do I need to do this course?
Once you purchase the course, you can go at your own pace. If you’ve already got a list, you’ll be able to implement strategies right away.
If you haven’t started building your list, you can learn how to set up the tech for your list and then move onto strategies for attracting, converting, nurturing, and making offers to your readers.
The initial set up might take 30–60 minutes. Once you’ve got your tech in place, you can shift your focus to engaging in the lessons and writing your emails.
Consistency is the key ingredient. If you spend 20–30 minutes a few times per week on building your list, you will begin to see growth.
How much does it cost?
We fully understand that cost is a factor when you make decisions about investing in your writing. That’s why we have kept the cost of this course low.
As with so many things in life, we pay either with our time or money. You could piece together the things we teach in this course for free, but it would take a lot of time and effort.
Your time and effort that would be better spent implementing the content we teach in this course.
Another reason we don’t give this information away for free is because when you pay, you pay attention. You are more likely to take action when you invest.
How many freebies have you signed up for over the years that are sitting somewhere, cluttering your computer?
We balanced the value of the material we’re sharing in this course and the amount of time it will save you along with our desire to make it accessible and valued it at $397.
However, we also want to make the Email Growth Course affordable, so we decided to offer it for $197.
Is the Email Growth Course for me if . . . ?
We get lots of questions about whether this course is good for . . .
- Busy parents
- People who have a day job
- Beginning writers
- Bloggers
- Teachers
- Senior Citizens
And the answer is: YES!
If you need help getting your email list started, this course is for you.
If you’re struggling to grow your email list and don’t know what to do, this course is for you.
Buy the Email Growth Course now so you can make progress toward your publishing goals.
Do I really need a course for this?
That’s a great question.
Many writers will benefit from the step-by-step strategies this course offers.
Sometimes when we’re starting something new, we simply need someone to tell us what to do.
If your email list is holding you back from being able to pursue your publishing goals, this course can help you.
However, if you’ve been building your list for a long time and are experienced with marketing your writing, this probably isn’t the right fit for you.
Hundreds of writers have been through this course and have gotten serious about building their lists.
There’s no need to spend months figuring this email list stuff out by yourself when you can get it in one place.
I'm still not sure this is for me.
We understand that purchasing a course to help you grow your email list is an important step toward becoming a published author.
But maybe you’re nervous that The Email Growth Course won’t help you.
We created this course to help writers build their email lists so they have an engaged audience when they pitch ideas to publishers.
At some point, you will have to invest in your growth as a writer. If the lack of an email list is holding you back, this course can help. It’s time to stop putting it off! You can do this and we can help.