Become a hope*writers Certified Coach.

Get training to become a coach and generate income while helping others. 


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Right now, there are countless writers who need your insights and accountability to make meaningful progress in their writing.

You can help someone leap over their biggest hurdles, find clarity, and focus on the next right step in achieving their goals.

Through coaching, you can encourage others to pursue their wildest dreams and flourish as writers.


We all feel like imposters. You may be asking yourself, “what do I have to offer?” or saying, “I’m not a published author.”

That’s exactly why we offer a Coach Certification Program!

You don’t have to be an expert.

You don’t need to be a published or “professional” writer.

A background in coaching isn’t necessary.

Through our Coach Certification Program, hope*writers will train and equip you with all the tools and techniques you need to help anyone (especially writers) make progress and achieve massive goals.


The Coach Certification Program is a 12-week cohort-based training experience with a mix of asynchronous video training, live workshops and Q&As, instructor feedback, and client coaching practice that will help you gain confidence and develop your coaching skills.

Opportunity to make an impact

You've always wanted to help others, you’re the go-to advice-giver in your circle of friends, and you consider yourself more of a generalist and less of an expert. Coaching is the perfect opportunity to help others in a profound way, even if you don’t have years of experience or a professional specialty. If you listen well and have empathy, you can be a top coach! 

Generate consistent income

Coaching is a flexible and rewarding career path where you get to choose your compensation rates. With a relatively low initial investment, our Coach Certification Program prepares you to receive paying clients on the hope*writers platform immediately upon certification.

Receive support and community within your coaching practice

You’ll receive training and one-on-one support from our team, as well as access to your entire cohort of peers throughout the program. After graduation, you’ll have the opportunity to keep honing your skills with continuing education, network with your cohort or affinity groups, and receive support from the hope*writers team.

Achieve more of your goals

One of the biggest benefits of learning to coach others is obtaining the skills to coach yourself. That means having tools and techniques to get clear on your goals, remove obstacles, commit to purposeful action, and achieve your dreams — with less wasted time and fewer frustrations.

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With the hope*writers Coach Certification Program, you’ll be able to:

  • Learn how to coach fellow writers to get unstuck and make meaningful progress.
  • Receive endorsement from hope*writers upon certification.
  • Generate an income while helping others reach their goals.

At hope*writers, we are dedicated to the success and creativity of each member. Our core focus is to help writers balance the art of writing with the business of publishing.


The hope*writers Coach Certification Program enables us to scale one-on-one support opportunities within our community. Once certified, you’ll be able to coach our members and other writers and help them find clarity and direction.

For over eight years, we’ve had the privilege of helping writers find and follow their own writing paths. We’ve learned what works, what doesn’t work, and the obstacles that make writers quit before they’ve reached their goals. For thousands of writers, hope*writers provides the clarity they need to navigate and balance the craft of writing and the business of publishing.

That's why we need you.

The hope*writers Coach Certification Program helps train and equip amazing people like you to coach our members and authors and give them the one-on-one support they need. When you become a hope*writers Certified Coach, you’ll help writers make meaningful progress in their craft and share their hope-filled words with the world.

We have a limited number of spots in each training cohort. If you want to earn income while encouraging others and helping them move forward, don’t miss out on this opportunity!

How coaches make an impact

According to The American Society of Training and Development, writing down a  goal gives you a 42% greater chance of accomplishing it than if you don’t write it down at all. If you share your goal with someone else, the chance of you accomplishing it increases to over 65%. But, if you consistently meet with someone who holds you accountable, you have a 95% chance of reaching your goals.

Coaching works

Our certification program is based on behavioral research and best practices in personal development, training, and change management.

You will be blown away by how much you can help clients make meaningful change in their lives. You’ll see people get unstuck, take a leap they’ve been afraid to take for years, and reach goals they doubted were possible.

“As a coach, I love helping clients make progress and see what they don’t see. It’s so rewarding to work one-on-one with clients. If you’ve ever been on the fence about getting into coaching, now is the time!”

-Brian Dixon

hope*writers co-founder & Business Coach

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As a hope*writers Certified Coach, you will develop the skills and confidence to help writers reach their goals and realize their biggest dreams.


Through online videos, you’ll learn all the essential elements of an effective coaching session, along with industry knowledge and best practices. Each week will build off the last and include live reviews and Q&A of the previous week’s material, so no one gets left behind. 


You’ll join a live weekly video call to go over questions, workshop coaching sessions, and demonstrate skills. You’ll have the opportunity to learn from your instructor and each other! Learning in community will help you become a more empathetic listener and a well-rounded coach.


Accumulate practice hours with peers and real coaching clients during your training. You’ll not only get valuable experience, feedback, and client testimonials, but you’ll also build the confidence to coach from the very beginning. Confidence comes from action. Through practice, you’ll prove to yourself that you have what it takes to be a successful coach.


12-Week Live Coaching Curriculum:

Engage with live, interactive sessions that delve deep into the art and science of coaching writers, covering everything from discovering coaching styles to mastering client transformation techniques.

Access to a Private Member Community:

Connect, collaborate, and share resources with fellow coaching candidates in a dedicated, private community. This space is designed to foster valuable connections and support your growth.

Access to the Hope*Writers Membership:

Go deeper with our training library, weekly group coaching calls, and legacy content to help you hone your coaching skills.

Access to Our Coach Support Slack Channel:

Benefit from real-time support and a community that’s just a message away. Whether you’re tackling a challenge or celebrating an achievement, this channel ensures you're supported.

plus these bonuses:

Access to our hope*dashboard software

Launch your coaching website, take payments, and book appointments all within one convenient software tool.

Tickets to Our In-Person Book Launch Boot Camp Event:

Your enrollment includes a ticket to our in-person Book Launch Boot Camp in Matthews, North Carolina on Friday, May 24th, 2024. This event is designed to arm you with practical book launch strategies.

Two Tickets to the Hope Story Conference (January 2025, Charlotte, North Carolina):

Join us in person for an amazing time of connection with other writers, speakers, podcasters, and entrepreneurs discovering and sharing their story of hope.

Placement at Our Coaches Corner at the Conference:

Showcase your coaching services and connect with potential clients at the Hope Story Conference. Your placement in our Coaches Corner is a unique opportunity to establish your presence and engage directly with attendees.



  • Learn the essential components of a coaching session and a simple, repeatable process.

  • Practice and develop coaching skills and techniques.

  • Hone your own unique coaching style.

  • Receive done-for-you templates and resources to use in your coaching.

  • Discover writers’ major pain points, steps in the writing journey, and the publishing industry.

  • Establish coaching packages, business systems, and learn how to find clients.

  • Build confidence in yourself while helping others reach their dreams.

  • Connect with other writing and coaching professionals. 

  • Listen, learn, experiment, adjust, grow, and discover the joy of helping people push past their obstacles to achieve real results and make meaningful progress.

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What WE will do:

  • We are responsible for recruiting a group of coaches to this cohort who have demonstrated a willingness to learn, an eagerness to help others, and an openness to giving and receiving feedback in the name of personal and professional growth.

  • We are responsible for creating the opportunity, structure, and schedule for your 12-week experience.

  • We are responsible for providing a simple, repeatable coaching process that you can apply in your work with clients.

  •  We are responsible for reminding you to continue to move forward even when it gets hard (and it will get hard).

  •  We are responsible for offering honest feedback and direction about your expectations, goals, and progress along the way



What YOU will do:

  • You are responsible for believing in yourself, your work, and your clients.

  • You are responsible for not quitting halfway through (or three-quarters of the way).

  • You are responsible for trusting the process.

  •  You are responsible for attending the live Friday 2pm ET classes (or watching the recordings)

  • You are responsible for learning, practicing, and honing the skills of coaching and sharing your gift with clients who can benefit from your help!

We will help you:

  • Gain marketable coaching skills you can apply for the long term.

  • Develop your unique coaching style.

  • Learn the repeatable process and components of an effective coaching session.

  • Practice helping clients get clear, overcome obstacles, and make progress towards their goals.

  • Earn income as a hope*writers Certified Coach with done-with-you marketing and administration.

You have the power to help others get unstuck and make meaningful progress towards their biggest desires and dreams. What are you waiting for?

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By now, you’re probably thinking, “This sounds great! But, how much does it cost? Can I afford to do this?” We get it. Considering costs and value are an important part of making wise decisions. Here’s everything you need to know: 

 Two payment options are available for the Coach Certification Program tuition:

  • The total cost of the Coach Certification Program is $3,000 to be paid in two installments of $1,500 (first payment due by May 1st, second payment due by June 1st).

  • If you choose to pay in full upfront, you will receive a $200 discount, bringing your total investment to only $2,800 (due by May 1st). 

Price includes:

  • Weekly live classes. (Join your fellow coaches each week to workshop and review what you’re learning.)

  • One-on-one support, and feedback from your instructor.

  •  Free hope*writers membership (for as long as you are a hope*writers Certified Coach offering services to our members).

  • Private Slack channel exclusively for your program cohort.

  • Coaching profile on hope*writers public directory where you can book clients and receive payment for services.


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Week 1: Becoming a Six-Figure Coach (May 3rd)

  • Focus: Building a business as a writing coach.
  • Topics Covered:
    • Coach Building Blocks
    • Payment Structures
    • Booking Calls
    • Social Media Strategy
    • Email Marketing

Week 2: Discovering your message (May 10th)

  • Focus: Beginning the hope*writers progress path.
  • Training:
    • XYZ Statement Development
    • Leading Questions for Client Message Discovery

Week 3: Find Your Voice (May 17th)

  • Focus: Helping clients discover their voice.
  • Insights:
    • The Three Different Voices Writers Use
    • Techniques for Voice Discovery

Week 4: Create Your Solution (May 24th)

  • Focus: Utilizing lead magnets.
  • Strategies:
    • Power of a Lead Magnet
    • Eight Types of Lead Magnets for Audience Building

Week 5: Collaborate with Peers (May 31st)

  • Focus: Leveraging the Dream 100.
  • Application:
    • Implementing the Dream 100 for Networking
    • Benefits for Coaches and Their Clients

Week 6: Share Your Writing (June 7th)

  • Focus: Promotional paths for writers.
  • Guidance:
    • Eight Promotional Paths
    • Training Clients on Message Distribution

Week 7: Write Your Book (June 14th)

  • Focus: Manuscript creation process.
  • Process:
    • Three-Step Process: Story Creation, Sample Chapter, Manuscript Writing

Week 8: Book Launch Boot Camp (June 21st)

  • Focus: Launching a book successfully.
  • Framework:
    • Strategies to Teach Clients for Their Book Launch

Week 9: Multiple Streams of Income (June 28th)

  • Focus: Diversifying income for writers.
  • Exploration:
    • Creating Multiple Income Streams Beyond the Book

Week 10: Developing Your Lead Magnet (July 5th)

  • Focus: Crafting a lead magnet to attract coaching clients.
  • Creation:
    • Lead Magnet Development for Coaches

Week 11: Advanced Marketing Strategies (July 12th)

  • Focus: Expanding client base and business growth.
  • Marketing:
    • Innovative Strategies for Client Acquisition and Business Expansion

Week 12: Landing Your First Client (July 19th)

  • Focus: Announcing and marketing your coaching business
  • Marketing:
    • Creating a Steady Flow of Paying Clients


Who is qualified to become a coach?

If you want to help others succeed by asking powerful questions and listening intently, you’re qualified to become a coach. You don’t need to be an expert, and you don’t have to feel like you have all the answers. Great coaches believe that the client is the expert. Coaches who have the greatest success are those who focus on guiding clients to their own conclusions instead of just telling clients what they should do. To be successful as a hope*writers Certified Coach, you should have empathy for fellow writers and be familiar with some of the most common struggles writers face.


What if I am not a professional writer?

Do you understand the difficulties of committing to your art, finding the time, motivation, inspiration, or clarity? Have you experienced distractions, setbacks, or self-sabotage in your writing? Do you know what it is like to feel lost or isolated in your work, desperate for a companion who can motivate you and keep you accountable? 

If any of this sounds familiar, you can be a coach. There are no credentials required, no minimum number of followers, no publishing expectations. Whether you consider yourself a professional or not, you can be trained to be a coach as long as you have empathy and a willingness to learn and serve.


What is the time commitment for becoming hope*writers Certified?

Each week will consist of 3-4 hours of training over the course of 12 weeks. There will be ample time to make up hours and catch up on content. Reading and writing assignments are not required.


What if I have a busy schedule?

Our program is made for you! Most of the content and practice can be scheduled at your convenience. Want to watch a video at 11 p.m. from the privacy of your bathroom? You can do that! Want to watch a module during carpool or while doing dishes? Yep, you can do that too. Have a client who can only meet at 7 a.m.? No problem. Most of the content is delivered asynchronously. You will only need to be available for the same 60-minute block each week for live classes where you will receive group support, practice your skills, and reinforce content from previous weeks. 



What’s the benefit of becoming certified through hope*writers?

Not only do you get free hope*writers membership, including access to our extensive library of content, but you also get the support of our amazing staff and a built-in platform for recruiting and managing coaching clients. Save money on invoice software, email marketing tools, social ads, affiliate programs, payment processing fees, CRMs, and more! Earn the trust and confidence of our 1,500+ members with an endorsement from hope*writers. As a hope*writers Certified Coach, you'll get a premium listing in our online directory and keep 100% of the coaching fees you receive.


What is the financial investment?

The tuition for the 2024 cohort of the hope*writers coach certification program is only two payments of $1,500. We also have a paid in full option available for you. Unfortunately, we do not offer any refunds or cancellations.


How will I know if the program is worth it?

That's a great question. Getting your own coaching page launched, connecting with other cohort members, and receiving personal mentorship to help you grow as a coach are just a few of the benefits of join the coach certification program. If you want to help others make progress in sharing their story, writing their book, and serving their audience, then this program is for you!

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What writers are saying about their experiences with hope*writers Certified Coaches:


“My coaching sessions have created such clarity that one by one, I’m creating habits for my business and writing life that are propelling me forward. My coach listens intently, pinpoints my 'log jam,' and helps me make a simple, actionable plan for the week. I go away energized. That hour has been absolutely invaluable.”


"My experience with my writing coach has been very positive and encouraging. I tried to finish a book by myself for many years and there was always something that made me shut down my computer and think, 'This might not be the right time.' But since working with a hope*writers coach, I truly appreciate the way she has helped me to focus on my goals, identify distractions, and be honest with my process and emotions without giving up."


“My hope*writers coach has been a complete and total blessing. I came into our sessions with a lot of 'open tabs' and overwhelm about time management. In her sincere, genuine, and 'go get ‘em' energy, my coach truly helped me to organize and find a better rhythm. I feel more empowered as a writer and more motivated than ever before.”


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