Are You a Writer Looking for Clarity?

Many writers struggle with a lack of clarity about their writing. Writers often believe a lack of clarity is the result of not having enough material to write about, but in reality, most writers have countless ideas swimming around in their heads or written on random scraps of paper. 

It’s not a lack of ideas that presents a problem for most writers. More often than not, the problem is that we don’t know which idea is worth pursuing or who will want to read about it once the piece is written. 

One of the most effective ways to gain clarity in your writing is to consider the needs of your audience. This means you need to spend significant time and energy determining who your audience is before you can write to them in a meaningful way. 

At hope*writers, we believe every writer has a reader to serve, and we help writers uncover their ideal reader so their message matches the needs of their audience. Once you spend time identifying your ideal reader, you’ll know what they want most and will be able to serve them well. 

Where do your writing skills and your ideal reader’s needs intersect? The intersection between your message and the reader’s need is where you will find greater clarity in your work. 

When we have ideas that we aren’t sure fit our reader but that we don’t want to abandon entirely, we can ask ourselves how those ideas can be reshaped to help our readers.

Determining our ideal reader and their unique needs eliminates the issue of having too many unformed ideas by helping us focus on a single one. It brings clarity to the ideas that are worth pursuing, and we’re able to make real progress while serving our reader with our words.  


If you found this tip helpful, hope*writers co-founder Emily P. Freeman is teaching a webinar offering more practical ideas for writers who are looking for greater clarity in their work. Click here to sign up!


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