4 People Every Working Writer Needs In Their Corner

Writing may seem like a solitary profession, but all writers need a supportive community to help them accomplish their goals and flourish in their craft. Established writers often work with a literary agent, multiple editors, a marketing strategist, and numerous other people before they see their work in print. 

But, what if we’re writers who are still building our body of work and our writing career? Who should we look to for encouragement and support? What type of people do we need in our corner to help us improve our craft, reach our goals, and keep writing, even when the writing gets tough?

Read on to find out!


A Friend 

Every writer needs a friend who is a fellow writer. Family and non-writerly friends can lend support and listen to our concerns, but no one understands the writing life better than someone else immersed in the world of writing and publishing.

A fellow writing friend is a resonator. They resonate with our frustrations, our questions, and our wins with the unique perspective of someone on the same team. In addition to resonating with us, a friend can also encourage us to sit down and do the work, sit beside us in parallel work sessions, or encourage us to play on the page.


A Cheerleader

This is where our friends and family come in! Is there someone in your circle who supports your work unconditionally? They have the potential to be a cheerleader on your writing team. 

A cheerleader doesn't have to know much about writing to cheer us on, hold us accountable, or read our first drafts. They read our work to offer encouragement and praise, not to provide editorial advice or critique. They’re here to wave their pom-poms, not wield a red pen over our work.

When we start to question our abilities, cheerleaders are the ones who remind us that we are writers and we can do this.


An Editor

An editor becomes an essential member of our team when we work with professional publications, sign a book contract, or prepare to self-publish. 

Simply put, an editor makes our work better by providing specific, actionable feedback on our writing. A knowledgeable editor is an invaluable resource for every writer. In fact, many writers credit working with an editor as one of the most effective ways to improve in the craft of writing. 


A Mentor/Coach 

A writing mentor or writing coach is someone who is a few steps ahead of us in building a writing career. We all need someone to look at the big picture and help us piece together the habits, knowledge, strategy, and education required to move forward.

A coach identifies our needs and helps us discover our next right step while also guiding us towards solutions for our stickiest writing conundrums. Effective coaches help us define our goals, hold us accountable, and help us make real progress!


Are you a writer who wants to help other writers make real progress on their writing goals? Consider applying to become a hope*writers Certified Coach. We’re accepting applications now until Friday, August 20, 2021. Click here to learn more and apply today.


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